
PS I Love You and you made me laugh so hard coffee came out of my NOSE

January 16, 2013

Happy Wednesday Loves!!

We almost have the house back to normal after hosting lil mans 3rd birthday party this past weekend. I am telling you pre-schoolers know how to PARTY!!! I will be posting pics tomorrow from the RAGER!!

Hubs and I were able to go on a morning date this week, (loving this year) We dropped the lil monster off at pre-school  and headed out for a stroll at on of our local parks/beaches with our coffee's in hand.

Right after this pic HUBBY made me laugh so hard that sip of coffee came out my nose... SO CLASSY

It was the perfect morning. We were able to finally catch up and hear whats going on with each other and also talk about what our plan was for this year for Casa M!

I never thought it would be so hard for us to carve out couple time. It's so crazy to think how much  of our time is spend just trying to get through our daily routines and by running around getting our errands done. This year we have chosen to focus on family time and couple time. .... Meaning there will be nightly dance parties at Casa M ...... That's right we will be raising the roof over here.. HOLLA

How about you... How do you spend FAMILY TIME???



  1. I hope you did not ruin the white shirt. Nice pics of the snow.

    1. ALMOST... it was so not attractive as I am trying not to spit out my coffee on the boardwalk but I did save the sweater!!



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