
I should be doing ..What now?

March 11, 2014

Hi Loves

Whats going on?? How are we almost halfway through MARCH!!! what what?? Time really is flying.. 

Miss E is getting so big and lil J is like an 8 year old now ...

Why I outta.... 

Seriously things need to slow down or maybe I just need to take a moment from "getting through" the day and start enjoying each day.... 

It really is hard to take a step back and just "BE" But I am working on it... in between my under the breath threats to the preschooler because he is not listening (seriously he really does have selective hearing) and nagging the hubby...( he too has selective hearing..go figure)

 I am totally enjoying this time in my life...  

and ready to share with you step 2 on 

my "Be Healthy" list

Are you ready for it ... I am going to try and have this household follow The Canadian Food Guide!!
I know, pretty crazy right?  I have to admit I really thought we were close to the daily amount in each food group but we are actually falling short in everything except grain products... we do love our carbs over here at CASA M..... 

I also realized that Mr. M basically has no fruit or vegetables the days he is working.... how is that possible? So now I make sure he leaves the house with some chopped vegetables or at least an orange.

The goal at Casa M is ....starting this week and every week for the REST of our lives is to eat the recommended minimum amount of each food group.. and then work our way up. 

There is even an option on the Canadian food guide website for creating your own "Food Guide" based on your sex and age.. Check out mine  My Food Guide .. For some reason it won't let me post the pic of my guide....  But you can go and create your own by clicking HERE

SOOO because I am not Blogger savvy  enough to figure out how to post my personal food chart here is the basic Canadian Food Guide... BORING but to the point 

I even created one for the hubs and for lil J just so the can have a visual for whats to come.... :P

Tonight I am going to create a weekly MENU for Casa M following the guidelines and I will make sure to share it with all of you! 

So there you have it STEP 2 on my "BE HEALTHY" list. And you loves how do you keep your family eating Healthy???

Oh and I also wanted to  TOOT my own HORN
I finished week 1 of the Couch to 5km training!! Can a get a "YOU GO GURL"! 


1 comment:

  1. YOU GO GURL! Way to go for finishing week gets easier every week...promise!

    Good luck with your food planning...I am totally going to check out the menu planning link. thanks for sharing...



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